The effects of non-native interactions on protein folding rates: Theory and simulation
The effects of spatially heterogeneous prey distributions on detection patterns in foraging seabirds
The Effects of Stacking on the Configurations and Elasticity of Single Stranded Nucleic Acids
The Effects of Stator Compliance, Backs Steps, Temperature, and Clockwise Rotation on the Torque-Speed Curve of Bacterial Flagellar Motor
The effects of stochastic population dynamics on food web structure
The efficiency of individual optimization in the conditions of competitive growth
The efficiency of multi-target drugs: the network approach might help drug design
The Electron Capture Hypothesis - A Challenge to Neuroscientists
The electronic structure and dipole moment of charybdotoxin, a scorpion venom peptide with K+ channel blocking activity
The electrophysiology of the betacell based on single transmembrane protein characteristics
The Emergence of Modularity in Biological Systems
The emergence of prime numbers as the result of evolutionary strategy
The Emergence of Scaling in Sequence-based Physical Models of Protein Evolution
The emergence of stereotyped behaviors in C. elegans
The emergence of unshared consensus decisions in bottlenose dolphins
The Energetic Costs of Cellular Computation
The energy cost of protein messages lead to a new protein information law
The Energy Landscape, Folding Pathways and the Kinetics of a Knotted Protein
The environment of X ray selected BL Lacs: Host galaxies and galaxy clustering
The equilibrium theory of life evolution