The effect of limiting resources in aging populations
The Effect of Macromolecular Crowding, Ionic Strength and Calcium Binding on Calmodulin Dynamics
The Effect of Mutators on Adaptability in Time-Varying Fitness Landscapes
The effect of negative feedback loops on the dynamics of Boolean networks
The effect of network topology on the stability of discrete state models of genetic control
The effect of neural adaptation of population coding accuracy
The effect of point mutations on energy conduction pathways in proteins
The Effect of Protein Length on the Ploidy Level and Environmental Tolerance of Organisms
The Effect of Recombination on the Neutral Evolution of Genetic Robustness
The Effect of Recurrent Mutation on the Linkage Disequilibrium under a Selective Sweep
The effect of recurrent partial sweeps on patterns of neutral diversity
The effect of scale-free topology on the robustness and evolvability of genetic regulatory networks
The Effect of Sensory Blind Zones on Milling Behavior in a Dynamic Self-Propelled Particle Model
The effect of time distribution shape on simulated epidemic models
The effect of travel restrictions on the spread of a highly contagious disease in Sweden
The effectiveness of position- and composition-specific gap costs for protein similarity searches
The effects of distributed life cycles on the dynamics of viral infections
The Effects of EGF-Receptor Density on Multiscale Tumor Growth Patterns
The Effects of Ferrous and other Ions on the Abiotic Formation of Biomolecules using Aqueous Aerosols and Spark Discharges
The effects of mismatches on hybridization in DNA microarrays: determination of nearest neighbor parameters