Topoisomer Differentiation of Molecular Knots by FTICR MS: Lessons from Class II Lasso Peptides
Topological basis of signal integration in the transcriptional-regulatory network of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Topological change and impedance spectrum of rat olfactory receptor I7: A comparative analysis with bovine rhodopsin and bacterior
Topological classification of RNA structures
Topological coding in hippocampus
Topological conditions of scale-free networks for cooperation to evolve
Topological Effects of Synaptic Time Dependent Plasticity
Topological Entropy of DNA Sequences
Topological Generalizations of network motifs
Topological Maps from Signals
Topological Methods for Exploring Low-density States in Biomolecular Folding Pathways
Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny
Topological phase transition in a RNA model in the de Gennes regime
Topological Randomness and Number of Edges Predict Modular Structure in Functional Brain Networks
Topological structure and interaction strengths in model food webs
Topological thermal instability and length of proteins
Topology of biological networks and reliability of information processing
Toric ideals of phylogenetic invariants
Torus bifurcations, isolas and chaotic attractors in a simple dengue model with ADE and temporary cross immunity
Toward a better analysis of secreted proteins: the example of the myeloid cells secretome