The simulation of the activity dependent neural network growth
The SIR epidemic model from a PDE point of view
The solution space of metabolic networks: producibility, robustness and fluctuations
The space of phylogenetic mixtures for equivariant models
The Species Abundances Distribution in a new perspective
The species-area relationship and evolution
The Speed of Adaptation in Large Asexual Populations
The spread of disease with birth and death on networks
The Spread of Infectious Disease with Household-Structure on the Complex Networks
The Stability of Boolean Networks with Generalized Canalizing Rules
The Stanford RNA Mapping Database for sharing and visualizing RNA structure mapping experiments
The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: Part I, empirical methods
The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: Part II, three-dimensional analysis
The statistical mechanics of a polygenic characterunder stabilizing selection, mutation and drift
The statistical mechanics of community assembly and species distribution
The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks : nerve growth factor signaling
The stochastic behavior of a molecular switching circuit with feedback
The stochastic edge in adaptive evolution
The stochastic entry of enveloped viruses: Fusion vs. endocytosis
The structural de-correlation time: A robust statistical measure of convergence of biomolecular simulations