The influence of bone surface availability in bone remodelling - A mathematical model including coupled geometrical and biomechanical regulations of bone cells
The influence of feature selection methods on accuracy, stability and interpretability of molecular signatures
The influence of geometry, surface character and flexibility on the permeation of ions and water through biological pores
The influence of horizontal gene transfer on the mean fitness of unicellular populations in static environments
The influence of microwave radiation on the state of chromatin in human cells
The Influence of Photosynthesis on the Number of Metamers per Growth Unit in GreenLab Model
The influence of risk perception in epidemics: a cellular agent model
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: I. Single Neuron Dynamics
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: II. Network and Glial Dynamics
The information capacity of hypercycles
The information transmitted by spike patterns in single neurons
The insulin superfamily of growth-promoting proteins
The Inter-Strand Modes of the DNA as a Probe into MW-Radiation
The intermediate evolution phase in case of truncated selection
The Interplay between Chemistry and Mechanics in the Transduction of a Mechanical Signal into a Biochemical Function
The interplay between discrete noise and nonlinear chemical kinetics in a signal amplification cascade
The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes
The Ising decoder: reading out the activity of large neural ensembles
The Ising Model for Neural Data: Model Quality and Approximate Methods for Extracting Functional Connectivity
The large-scale logico-chemical structure of a transcriptional regulation network