Predicting trophic relations in ecological networks: a test of the Allometric Diet Breadth Model
Predicting Variants of Alternative Splicing from NGS data without the Genome
Prediction and predictability of global epidemics: the role of the airline transportation network
Prediction and verification of indirect interactions in densely interconnected regulatory networks
Prediction in the Hypothesis-Rich Regime
Prediction of genomic properties and classification of life by protein length distributions
Prediction of lethal and synthetically lethal knock-outs in regulatory networks
Prediction of RNA pseudoknots by Monte Carlo simulations
Prediction of RNA-RNA interaction structure by centroids in the Boltzmann ensemble
Prediction of site-specific amino acid distributions and limits of divergent evolutionary changes in protein sequences
Prediction of transcription factor binding to DNA using rule induction methods
Predictions from a stochastic polymer model for the MinDE dynamics in E.coli
Predictive Modeling of Non-Viral Gene Transfer
Predictive Models for Characterization of Ecological Data
Preliminary Report: Missense mutations in the APOL gene family are associated with end stage kidney disease risk previously attributed to the MYH9 gene
Presence of pKa Perturbations Among Homeodomain Residues Facilitates DNA Binding
Preservation of information in a prebiotic package model
Preservation of organic matter in the STONE 6 artificial meteorite experiment
Presymptomatic risk assessment for chronic non-communicable diseases
Preterm Birth Analysis Using Nonlinear Methods (a preliminary study)