How to design multi-target drugs: Target search options in cellular networks
How to explore replicator equations?
How to find decision makers in neural circuits?
How to formulate membrane potential in a spatially homogeneous myocyte model?
How to take turns: the fly's way to encode and decode rotational information
How to understand the cell by breaking it: network analysis of gene perturbation screens
How Xenopus laevis embryos replicate reliably: investigating the random-completion problem
How Xenopus laevis replicates DNA reliably even though its origins of replication are located and initiated stochastically
Huddling behavior in emperor penguins : dynamics of huddling
Huge progeny production during the transient of a quasi-species model of viral infection, reproduction and mutation
Human and computer learning: An experimental study
Human cancers over express genes that are specific to a variety of normal human tissues
Human cell recovery after microwave irradiation
Human housekeeping genes are compact
Human ovarian reserve from conception to the menopause
Human strategy updating in evolutionary games
Human-Robot Biodynamics
Hybrid Numerical Solution of the Chemical Master Equation
Hybrid zone dynamics under weak Haldane's rule
Hybridization Isotherms of DNA Microarrays and the Quantification of Mutation Studies