From discrete to continuous evolution models: a unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics
From DNA sequence analysis to modeling replication in the human genome
From gene regulatory networks to population dynamics: robustness, diversity and their role in progression to cancer
From gene trees to species trees II: Species tree inference in the deep coalescence model
From modes to movement in the behavior of C. elegans
From modular to centralized organization of synchronization in functional areas of the cat cerebral cortex
From Physics to Biology by Extending Criticality and Symmetry Breakings
From protein binding to pharmacokinetics: a novel approach to active drug absorption prediction
From Protein Interactions to Functional Annotation: Graph Alignment in Herpes
From random to directed motion: Understanding chemotaxis in E. Coli within a simplified model
From secretome analysis to immunology: chitosan induces major alterations in the activation of dendritic cells via a TLR4-dependent mechanism
From statistical mechanics to information theory: understanding biophysical information-processing systems
From Structure to Function in Open Ionic Channels
From systems biology to dynamical neuropharmacology: proposal for a new methodology
From the Earliest Evidence of Life to Complex Single-cell Organisms: The First 3 Gyr on Earth
From the entropy to the statistical structure of spike trains
From the Termite Mound to the Stars: Meditations on Discussions With Ilya Prigogine
From the Wobble to Reliable Hypothesis
From Three-Dimensional Electrophysiology to the Cable Model: an Asymptotic Study
FSSP to SCOP and CATH (F2CS) Prediction Server