Forcing reversibility in the no strand-bias substitution model allows for the theoretical and practical identifiability of its 5 parameters from pairwise DNA sequence comparisons
Form follows function -- how PufX increases the efficiency of the light-harvesting complexes of Rhodobacter sphaeroides
Formation and distortion of optical rings around rich cluster galaxies
Formation and Stability of Synaptic Receptor Domains
Formation of antiwaves in gap-junction-coupled chains of neurons
Formation of BCR Oligomers Provides a Mechanism for B cell Affinity Discrimination
Formation of regular spatial patterns in ratio-dependent predator-prey model driven by spatial colored-noise
Formation of regulatory modules by local sequence duplication
Formation of spatial patterns in epidemic model with constant removal rate of the infectives
Four basic symmetry types in the universal 7-cluster structure of 143 complete bacterial genomic sequences
Four small puzzles that Rosetta doesn't solve
Four-state rock-paper-scissors games on constrained Newman-Watts networks
Fourier Analysis of Biological Evolution: Concept of Selection Moment
Fourier transform inequalities for phylogenetic trees
Fourier Uniformity: An Useful Tool for Analyzing EEG Signals with An Application to Source Localization
Fractal Characterizations of MAX Statistical Distribution in Genetic Association Studies
Fractal scale-free networks resistant to disease spread
Fractal-based Correlation Analysis for Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Rat Brain in Functional MRI
Fractal-like Distributions over the Rational Numbers in High-throughput Biological and Clinical Data
Fractals in the Nervous System: conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience