Continuum Description of the Cytoskeleton: Ring Formation in the Cell Cortex
Continuum Electromechanical Modeling of Protein-Membrane Interaction
Continuum Electrostatics in Cell Biology
Continuum model of actin-mediated bacterial propulsion
Contractile network models for adherent cells
Contraction-induced cluster formation in cardiac cell culture
Contribution of the kinetics of G protein dissociation to the characteristic modifications of N-type calcium channel activity
Control of gene expression by modulated self-assembly
Control of poultry chicken malaria by surface functionalized amorphous nanosilica
Control of rodent sleeping sickness disease by surface functionalized amorphous nanosilica
Control of spiral waves and turbulent states in a cardiac model by travelling-wave perturbations
Control of the repetitive firing in the squid giant axon using electrical fields
Control over stress induces plasticity of individual prefrontal cortical neurons: A conductance-based neural simulation
Contrôle paracrine du développement du tissu adipeux par l'autotaxine et l'acide lysophosphatidique
Controlled DNA compaction within chromatin: the tail-bridging effect
Controlled self-assembly of peptides on graphite via rational mutation
Controlling Complex Networks with Compensatory Perturbations
Controlling nosocomial infection based on structure of hospital social networks
Controlling Viral Capsid Assembly with Templating
Convergent dynamics in the protease enzymatic superfamily