Competing Polymerization of Actin Skeleton explains Relation between Network Polarity and Cell Movements
Competition and cooperation in one-dimensional stepping stone models
Competition between recombination and epistasis can cause a transition from allele to genotype selection
Competition between synaptic depression and facilitation in attractor neural networks
Competition through selective inhibitory synchrony
Competition-colonization trade-off promotes coexistence of low-virulence viral strains
Complementarity between survival and mortality
Complementarity principle on human longevity
Complete Human Mitochondrial Genome Construction Using L-systems
Complete structure of topographic maps in ephrin-A deficient mice
Complex Behavior in Simple Models of Biological Coevolution
Complex cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis in the F1-ATPase molecular motor
Complex dynamics in coevolution models with ratio-dependent functional response
Complex dynamics of a Holling-type IV predator-prey model
Complex dynamics of the biological rhythms: gallbladder and heart cases
Complex folding pathways in a simple beta-hairpin
Complex Independent Component Analysis of Frequency-Domain Electroencephalographic Data
Complex Network Approach to Human Promoter Sequences
Complex networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks
Complex population dynamics as a competition between multiple time-scale phenomena