Macroscopic consequences of calcium signaling in microdomains: A first passage time approach
Macroscopic Kinetic Effect of Cell-to-Cell Variation in Biochemical Reactions
Mathematical Modelling of Polarizing GTPases in Developing Axons
Maximum likelihood and the single receptor
Mechanisms of budding of nanoscale particles through lipid bilayers
Mechanisms of pattern formation during T cell adhesion
Mechanisms of receptor/coreceptor-mediated entry of enveloped viruses
Mesoscopic Biochemical Basis of Isogenetic Inheritance and Canalization: Stochasticity, Nonlinearity, and Emergent Landscape
Metabolic Futile Cycles and Their Functions: A Systems Analysis of Energy and Control
Microphase separation in nonequilibrium biomembranes
Microtubule length distributions in the presence of protein-induced severing
Microtubule Length-Regulation by Molecular Motors
Microtubules Interacting with a Boundary: Mean Length and Mean First-Passage Times
Min-oscillations in Escherichia coli induced by interactions of membrane-bound proteins
Min-protein oscillations in Escherichia coli with spontaneous formation of two-stranded filaments in a three-dimensional stochastic reaction-diffusion model
Mobility of Min-proteins in Escherichia coli measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Mobility of Taxol in Microtubule Bundles
Model for Osteosarcoma-9 as a Potent Factor in Cell Survivor and Resistance to Apoptosis
Model of ionic currents through microtubule nanopores and the lumen
Modeling Dual Pathways for the Metazoan Spindle Assembly Checkpoint