Self-consistent theory of reversible ligand binding to a spherical cell
Self-organization of the MinE ring in subcellular Min oscillations
Self-organized density patterns of molecular motors in arrays of cytoskeletal filaments
Self-organized Models of Selectivity in Ca and Na Channels
Simulation of mitochondrial metabolism using multi-agents system
Single Stranded DNA Translocation Through a Fluctuating Nanopore
Spontaneous flow transition in active polar gels
Stabilization of microtubules due to microtubule-associated proteins: A simple model
Steady-state MreB helices inside bacteria: dynamics without motors
Stochastic force generation by small ensembles of myosin II motors
Stochastic model for Soj relocation dynamics in Bacillus subtilis
Stochastic simulations of cargo transport by processive molecular motors
Stochasticity and traffic jams in the transcription of ribosomal RNA: Intriguing role of termination and antitermination
Superdiffusion in a Model for Diffusion in a Molecularly Crowded Environment
Surfing at the wave fronts: the bidirectional movement of cargo particles driven by molecular motors
Survival of the aligned: ordering of the plant cortical microtubule array