Cooperativity in two-state protein folding kinetics
Core Level Spectroscopy and Tautomerism of Key Biomolecules in the Gas Phase
Correcting pervasive errors in RNA crystallography with Rosetta
Correlation between nucleotide composition and folding energy of coding sequences with special attention to wobble bases
Correlation between sequence hydrophobicity and surface-exposure pattern of database proteins
Correlations in Systems of Complex Directed Macromolecules
Correlations in the T Cell Response to Altered Peptide Ligands
Correlations of Amino Acids with Secondary Structure Types: Connection with Amino Acid Structure
Coulomb Interaction as the Source of Muscle Force
Coupled dynamics of DNA-breathing and single-stranded DNA binding proteins
Coupled folding-binding versus docking: A lattice model study
Covalent bond symmetry breaking and protein secondary structure
Criteria for the Emergence and Evolution of Life in the Solar System
CRNPRED: Highly Accurate Prediction of One-dimensional Protein Structures by Large-scale Critical Random Networks
Cross-correlated TIRF/AFM shows Self-assembled Synthetic Myosin Filaments are Asymmetric - Implications for Motile Filaments
Cross-species analysis traces adaptation of Rubisco towards optimality in a low dimensional landscape
Crowded Charges in Ion Channels
Crowding effects on the mechanical stability and unfolding pathways of Ubiquitin
Crowding Promotes the Switch from Hairpin to Pseudoknot Conformation in Human Telomerase RNA
Crystallographic modelling of protein loops and their heterogeneity with Rappertk