U 1915-05
U and Th content in the Central Apennines continental crust: a contribution to the determination of the geo-neutrinos flux at LNGS
U Antliae --- A Dying Carbon Star
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U Aquarii
U B V Colors of RR Lyrae Stars in Globular Clusters
U B V Photometry of SCO XR-1
U B V R I Photometry of Stellar Structures throughout the Disk of the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367
U Cephei - A mass-transfer event. I
U Cephei - Effects of disk, hot spot, and stream on primary eclipse light curves
U Cephei a Mass-Transfer Event. II. Observations
U Cephei and its outbursts in 1969 and 1974
U Cephei: an anomalous spectrographic result.
U Coronae borealis
U Del & EU Del light curve comments : response.