Type II supernovae at high redshifts
Type II supernovae from 8-10 solar mass asymptotic giant branch stars
Type II supernovae photospheres and distances
Type II Supernovae SNF20060719-035 and SN 2006du
Type II supernovae, superwind, and the hard x-ray background
Type II supernovae, superwind, and the hard x-ray background
Type II Supernovae: Model Light Curves and Standard Candle Relationships
Type II-b Supernova 1993J: Progenitor and Circumstellar Interaction
Type II-IV radio bursts and compact and diffuse white-light clouds in the outer corona of December 14, 1971
Type II-L supernovae - Standard bombs
Type II-P Supernovae as Standard Candles: The SDSS-II Sample Revisited
Type II-P supernovae as standardised candles: improvements using near infrared data
Type II-P supernovae as standardized candles: improvements using near-infrared data
Type II-P Supernovae from SDSS II Supernova Survey
Type II-P Supernovae from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey and the Standardized Candle Method
Type IIb supernova 1993J in M81: The explosion of a approximately 4 solar mass star in a close binary system
Type IIB Supernovae with Compact and Extended Progenitors
Type III and N Einstein spacetimes in higher dimensions: general properties
Type III and N solutions to quadratic gravity
Type III and type I-like decametric emission in a magnetic arch