Type I supernovae and accretion-induced collapses from cataclysmic variables?
Type I supernovae and iron nucleosynthesis in the universe
Type I Supernovae and the Hubble Constant.
Type I supernovae and the value of the Hubble constant
Type I Supernovae as Cosmological Clocks
Type I supernovae as distance indicators
Type I Supernovae Come from Short-Lived Stars
Type I supernovae, R Coronae Borealis stars, and the Crab Nebula
Type I Supernovae, R Cr B Stars, and the Crab Nebula.
Type I supernovae.
Type I supernovae. I - Analytic solutions for the early part of the light curve
Type I supernovae. I - The He II, He I, H I spectrum, 30 days after the explosion
Type I supernovae. II - The spectrum of SN 1972e in NGC 5253, 250 days after the explosion
Type I supernovae. III - The spectrum of SN 1972e in NGC 5253, 365 and 435 days after the explosion
Type I supernovae. IV - The spectrum before the maximum of luminosity
Type I ULIRGs: Transition Stage from ULIRGs to QSOs
Type I vacuum solutions with aligned Papapetrou fields: an intrinsic characterization
Type I X-ray bursts and burst oscillations in the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17511-3057
Type I X-Ray Bursts at Low Accretion Rates
Type I X-ray Bursts at Low Accretion Rates