Two-zone models for multimode Cepheid variables. I - Resonances in homogeneous and inhomogeneous models
Two-zone models for multimode Cepheid variables. II - Comparison with models for classical Cepheids with complicated envelope hydrogen profiles
Twofold effect of Alfven waves on the transverse gravitational instability
TWSTFT system and application
Twx 710-320-6842 Astrogram Cam
TX CANCRI - Which component is hotter
TX Cancri, the golden wonder
TX Cancri.
TX Cnc as a Member of the Praesepe Open Cluster
TX Psc and X Her: Two Cases of Stellar Wind-ISM Interaction
TX UMa: new orbit, spin rotation and chemical composition of components
TX0211-122: A starburst radio galaxy at Z = 2.34?
TYC 1031 01262 1: The First Known Galactic Eclipsing Binary with a Type II Cepheid Component
TYC 1240-945-1b: First Brown Dwarf Candidate from the SDSS-III-MARVELS Planet Search
TYC 2675-663-1: A newly discovered W UMa system in an active state
Tycho & Kepler: The Unlikely Partnership That Forever Changed Our Understanding of the Heavens