Pulsed gamma-rays from PSR 1951 + 32
Pulsed Gamma-rays from PSR J2021+3651 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Pulsed Gamma-Rays from PSR:1951+32
Pulsed Gamma-rays from the millisecond pulsar J0030+0451 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Pulsed High Energy Gamma Rays from Crab Pulsar
Pulsed High Energy Gamma Rays from the VELA Pulsar
Pulsed high energy gamma rays from VELA pulsar
Pulsed high-energy gamma rays from PSR 1055-52
Pulsed high-energy gamma rays from the Crab nebula.
Pulsed high-energy gamma-radiation from Geminga (1E0630 + 178)
Pulsed high-energy gamma-rays from the radio pulsar PSR1706-44
Pulsed high-energy radiation from oblique magnetic rotators
Pulsed inductive thruster for multimegawatt nuclear electric propulsion supporting lunar-Mars missions
Pulsed Laser Deposition Of Diamond-Like Amorphous Carbon Films From Different Carbon Targets
Pulsed Nonthermal Photon Features for the Crab Pulsar
Pulsed Optical Emission by Radio Pulsars
Pulsed optical emission from Geminga
Pulsed Optical Emission from PSR 0656+14
Pulsed Particle Injection in a Reconnection-Driven Dynamic Trap Model in Solar Flares
Pulsed Proton Beam from an ECR Ion Source