Pulse phase dependence of the magnetar bursts
Pulse phase resolved analysis of the HMXB Cen X-3 over two binary orbits
Pulse Phase Resolved Spectroscopy of 4U 1626-67
Pulse Phase Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy of CEN X-3
Pulse phase spectroscopy of 0115+63 and an observation of 4U1223-62
Pulse Phase Spectroscopy of A 0535+26 during its 1994 giant outburst observed with OSSE
Pulse phase spectroscopy of HER X-1 with EXOSAT
Pulse phase spectroscopy of Hercules X-1
Pulse phase variations of the X-ray spectral features in the radio-quiet neutron star 1E 1207-5209
Pulse Phase--dependent Spectroscopic Study of VELA X-1
Pulse phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the transient high-mass X-ray binary V 0332 + 53
Pulse Proffle Variations in PSR 0329 + 54 at 2695 1~4IHz
Pulse profile and refined orbital elements for SMC X-1
Pulse Profile Change Possibly Associated with a Glitch in an Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61
Pulse profile of HER X-1 in hard X-rays
Pulse Profile Simulations for PSR 1237+25 and PSR 1933+16
Pulse profile stability of the Crab pulsar
Pulse profiles and cyclotron line energy dependence on X-ray pulsars luminosity
Pulse Profiles and Spectra of Fast X-Ray Pulsars.
Pulse Profiles and Spectra of the 3. 6 sec Transient X-Ray Pulsar AO115+63, Observed by the HEAO A4 Hard X-Ray Experiment.