Pulsational Stability of Rotating Stars
Pulsational Stability of Short-Period Variable Models
Pulsational Stability of Stars in Thermal Imbalance
Pulsational Stability of Stars in Thermal Imbalance. 11. an Energy Approach
Pulsational stability of stars in thermal imbalance. IV - Direct solution of differential equation
Pulsational stability of stars in thermal imbalance. V - Eigensolutions for quasi-adiabatic oscillations
Pulsational Stability of stars with neutrino thermal conductivity
Pulsational Stability of stars with neutrino thermal conductivity
Pulsational stability of supermassive magnetic stars
Pulsational stability of supermassive magnetic stars
Pulsational study of BL Herculis models. I - Radial velocities
Pulsational variability in massive O3 stars.
Pulsational velocity fields in the atmospheres of two roAp stars HR 1217 and γ Equ
Pulsationally Unstable Nonradial Modes in Upper Main Sequence
Pulsationen in der Lichtkurve von Meteoren
Pulsations and Accretion Geometry in YY Draconis: A Study Based on Hubble Space Telescope Observations
Pulsations and apsidal motion in the eclipsing variable system DI Herculis
Pulsations and Dust Formation in R Coronae Borealis Stars
Pulsations and Line Profile Changes in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of Hercules X-1: Results from a Multiwavelength Campaign
Pulsations and Long-Term Light Variability of Three Candidates to Protoplanetary Nebulae