Pulsational mode-typing in line profile variables. III - Multimode behavior in 12 Lacertae
Pulsational mode-typing in line profile variables. IV - Selected Delta Scuti stars
Pulsational mode-typing in line profile variables. V - Multimodes and 'moving shells' in Nu Eridani and other Beta Cephei stars
Pulsational models of BL Her stars
Pulsational Modes of Mira Variables Examined through IR Interferometry
Pulsational M_V versus [Fe/H] relation(s) for globular cluster RR Lyrae variables
Pulsational pair instability as an explanation for the most luminous supernovae
Pulsational parallaxes and calibration of the cosmic distance scale by Cepheid variable stars
Pulsational periodicities in R Coronae Borealis
Pulsational properties of extragalactic Cepheids. I - Differential light curves for field no. 1 in NGC 6822
Pulsational properties of GP And.
Pulsational properties of post-AGB stars
Pulsational Properties of the Double Mode Cepheid BQ Serpens
Pulsational properties of V2109 Cyg
Pulsational stabilities of a star in thermal imbalance - Comparison between the methods
Pulsational stability for intermediate- and low- luminosity red stars of globular cluster
Pulsational Stability of g-Modes in Slowly Pulsating B Stars
Pulsational Stability of Pure-Helium Stars of Low Mass
Pulsational stability of rotating main sequence stars: the second order effects of rotation on the nonadiabatic oscillations.
Pulsational Stability of Rotating Main-Sequence B Stars