Pulsational behaviour of the HADS RY Lep
Pulsational Behaviours of the Delta-Scuti Stars HD18878 and HD19279
Pulsational Characteristics of Delta Scuti Variable HR 1170
Pulsational Characteristics of Forbes' Mass-Loss Models
Pulsational constraints on the mass and luminosity of R Coronae Borealis stars
Pulsational constraints to the metallicity gradient in the Galactic disk
Pulsational content and abundance analysis of some Delta Scuti stars observed by CoRoT
Pulsational Damping of Neutron Stars
Pulsational Evidence for Mass Loss in NGC 1866 Cepheids
Pulsational frequencies in the delta Scuti stars V624 Tauri and HD 23194. Results of the STEPHI X campaign on the Pleiades cluster
Pulsational frequencies of the eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189
Pulsational Instabilities in Accreting White Dwarfs
Pulsational Instabilities in Hydrogen-Poor Massive Blue Stars. I
Pulsational instability domain of Delta Scuti variables
Pulsational Instability Domains in the Upper Main Sequence
Pulsational Instability in Helium Shell-Burning Stars
Pulsational instability in Helium shell-burning stars
Pulsational Instability of a Pre-Nova Model.
Pulsational Instability of a Star of 0.5 M0 during Core Hydrogen Burning
Pulsational instability of accretion disks to axially symmetric oscillations