N-Dimensional non-abelian dilatonic, stable black holes and their Born-Infeld extension
N-dimensional static and evolving Lorentzian wormholes with cosmological constant
N-dimensional string cosmological model in Brans Dicke theory of gravitation
N-dimensional Vaidya metric with cosmological constant in double-null coordinates
N-flationary magnetic fields
N-Galaxies as a Metagalactic Population
N-galaxies as a metagalactic population.
N-Körper-Simulationen zum Energieübertrag von großen Molekülwolken auf offene Sternhaufen im galaktischen Gezeitenfeld.
N-MODY: a code for collisionless N-body simulations in modified Newtonian dynamics
N-MODY: A Code for Collisionless N-body Simulations in Modified Newtonian Dynamics
N-observations and radar orbits
N-Orbit Simulation and Other Methods for Modelling of Stellar Systems Evolution
N-P Pairing in Nuclei
N-Parametric Canonical Perturbation Method Based on Lie Transforms
N-parametric canonical perturbation method based on Lie transforms. Application to the analysis of perturbations on multiple stellar systems
N-Particle-Simulations of Dust Growth. I. Growth Driven by Brownian Motion
N-point correlations for biased galaxy formation
N-point correlations in CDM and $Ω$CDM Simulations
n-point Gravitational Lenses with 5(n-1) Images
N-S asymmetry in the differential rotation of the sun and its variation with the solar activity cycles