Music and Astronomy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
MUSIC for sub/millimeter astrophysics
Music from upstairs - a personal contribution
Music in Galileo's Time
Music Inspired by Astronomy: A Selected Listing for the International Year of Astronomy
Music of the Spheres: Astronomy-Inspired Music as an EPO Tool
MUSICOS - A fiber-fed spectrograph for multi-site observations
MUSICOS 1998: Observations of Rotational Modulation and Flares on the RS CVn Binary HR 1099
MUSICOS 1998: Optical and X-rays Observations of Flares on the RS CVn Binary HR 1099
MUSICOS Observations of the Chromospherically Active Binary Star EI Eridani
Musings about Future Large Telescopes
Musings about X-Ray Luminosity Functions and Source Counts
Musings on "Densidades, Potenciales y Funciones Asociadas a una Galaxia Reducida" by Poveda et al. (1960)
Musings on the Whole Earth Telescope
Must Cosmological Perturbations Remain Non-Adiabatic After Multi-Field Inflation?
MUST II: Large solid angle light charged particle telescope for studies with radioactive beams
Must nonspherical collapse produce black holes? - A gravitational confinement theorem
Must Quantum Spacetimes Be Euclidean?
Must the disk and halo dark matter be different?
Must Time Machine Be Unstable against Vacuum Fluctuations?