A "Lorentz-Poincare"-Type Interpretation of Relativistic Gravitation
A "Medium Scale" Deployment of NVO: The WIYN Open Cluster Study
A "Missing" Supernova Remnant revealed by the 21-cm Line of Atomic Hydrogen
A "mysterious" line in the spectrum of P Cygni.
A "Pandora's Box” of Galaxies
A "Practique Discipline"? Mathematical Arts in John Blagraave's The Mathemtical Jewel (1585)
A "pulsational" distance determination for the Large Magellanic Cloud
A "Spiffy" Trigger for Gamma-Ray Bursts
A "Starless" Core that Isn't: Detection of a Source in the L1014 Dense Core with the Spitzer Space Telescope
A "super" star cluster grown old: the most massive star cluster in the Local Group
A "Universal" Molecular Cooling Function
A "UV+IR" history of star formation at 0<z<1
A "Vetustissimus" Arabic treatise on the "Quadrans vetus"
A "virtual reality" Solar System.
A "visual binary" orbit of the slow-luminosity Hyad VA351.
A "water fountain": discovery of a molecular jet from an AGB star
A "Watermark" of Eudoxan Astronomy
A $BVI$ Photometric Study of the Near-Galactic Center Globular Cluster NGC 6517 (C1759-089)
A $r$-mode in a magnetic rotating spherical layer: application to neutron stars
A $T_0$-discrete universe model with five low-energy fundamental interactions and the coupling constants hierarchy