0.8 - 2.5 micron Spectroscopy of V4633 Sagittarii (Nova Sagittarii 1998)
0.8 day periodicity in line emission from HZ HER
0.8-1.6 micron spectroscopy of the planetary nebula NGC 7027
0.8-13.5 Micron Spectroscopy of IRAS 07077+1536: A Dusty Carbon Star
0.8-2.5 Micron Reflectance Spectroscopy of Pluto
0.8-2.5 Micron Spectroscopy of Nova Ophiuchi 1998
0.85 to 2.5 Micron Spectrum of γ Cassiopeia
0.9-1.35-micron spectra of five type IA supernovae near maximum light
0.9-18-micron photometry of the 14 CIT objects
0.9-2.5 Micron Reflectance Spectroscopy of Pluto
0.95-1.3 micron spectrophotometry of two bright filaments of the crab nebula
0049-73.6: A Remnant of a Low-Mass Core-Collapse Supernova
009 KD5: A Photometric Signature of a Binary Near-Earth Asteroid
00957+561A 00957+561B - a Gravitational Lens Image Formed by a Galaxy at z= 0.4
0103-72.6: A New Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud
0108 + 388 - A compact double source with surprising properties
0114 + 074 - A very asymmetric galaxy in the field of an intermediate-redshift QSO
0246+18: A Variable Star Superposed on a Bright Galaxy
0254-334/2 - A high redshift QSO without Lyman alpha emission or absorption