QND measurements for future gravitational-wave detectors
QPO as the Rosetta Stone for understanding black hole accretion
QPO emission from moving hot spots on the surface of neutron stars: a model
QPO Evolution in 2005 Outburst of the Galactic Nano Quasar GRO J1655-40
QPO frequencies and mass-outflow rates in black hole powered galactic microquasars
QPO Frequency - Color Radius Connection in GRS 1915+105: a Possible Turnover supporting AEI predictions
QPO in RE J1034+396: model constraints from observed trends
QPO-jet relation in X-ray binaries
QPOs and firehose instabilities in neutron star magnetospheres in accreting systems
QPOs and Spectral States in GRS 1915+105
QPOs during magnetar flares are not driven by mechanical normal modes of the crust
QPOs from Radial and Vertical Oscillation of Shocks in Advective Accretion Flows
QPOs from Random X-ray Bursts around Rotating Black Holes
QPOs in Cataclysmic Variables and in X-ray Binaries
QPOs in CVs: An executive summary
QPOs in microquasars and Sgr A*: measuring the black hole spin
QPOs in microquasars: the spin problem
QPOs in the Time Domain: An Autocorrelation Analysis
QPOs, Black Hole Mass and Angular Momentum from Diskoseismology
QPOs: Einstein's gravity non-linear resonances