Known novae of M31 on plates obtained in Crimea and Latvia
Kodama time: Geometrically preferred foliations of spherically symmetric spacetimes
Koenderink filters and the Microwave Background
KOI 1224, a Fourth Bloated Hot White Dwarf Companion Found With Kepler
KOI-126: A Triply-Eclipsing Hierarchical Triple with Two Low-Mass Stars
KOI-54: The Kepler Discovery of Tidally-Excited Pulsations and Brightenings in a Highly Eccentric Binary
Kolmogorov Algorithmic Complexity and its Probability Interpretation in Quantum Gravity
Kolmogorov analysis detecting radio and Fermi gamma-ray sources in cosmic microwave background maps
Kolmogorov Complexity, Cosmic Background Radiation and Irreversibility
Kolmogorov Complexity, Cosmic Microwave Background Maps and the Curvature of the Universe
Kolmogorov cosmic microwave background sky
Kolmogorov Dissipation scales in Weakly Ionized Plasmas
Kolmogorov Similarity Hypotheses for Scalar Fields: Sampling Intermittent Turbulent Mixing in the Ocean and Galaxy
Kolmogorov stochasticity parameter measuring the randomness in Cosmic Microwave Background
Kolmogorov versus Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectra: Consequences for ion heating in the solar wind
Kolmogorov-Burgers Model for Star Forming Turbulence
Kolmogorov-Sinai and Bekenstein-Hawking entropies
Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and black holes
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as a tool to study the distribution of ultra-high energy cosmic ray sources
Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste 7. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeitsvergleichung von 310 Nebelflecken bei [iota] Leonis