Jules CÉSAR Janssen
Jules Janssen's in and out correspondence
Julian Date (J.D.)
Julius Scheiner
Jumelage astronomie France-Pologne.
Jump conditions for shock waves on the surface of a star
Jumping from Metric f(R) to Scalar-Tensor Theories and the relations between their post-Newtonian Parameters
Jumps in pulsar angular velocity and their relaxation with allowance for pinning and depinning of quantum vortex filaments
Junction Conditions and Consequences of Quasi-Spherical Space-Time with Electro-Magnetic Field and Vaidya Matric
Junction conditions at spacetime singularities
Junction Conditions for Signature Change
Junction Conditions in f(R) Theories of Gravity
Junction conditions in General Relativity with spin sources
Junction conditions of cosmological perturbations
Junction Conditions of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Space-Times
Junctions and thin shells in general relativity using computer algebra I: The Darmois-Israel Formalism
Juno, the angular momentum of Jupiter and the Lense-Thirring effect
Jupiter - friend or foe? I: the asteroids