Joint searches between gravitational-wave interferometers and high-energy neutrino telescopes: science reach and analysis strategies
Joint Soviet-French studies of the solar corona. II - Photometry of the solar corona on June 30, 1973
Joint spectral-timing modelling of the hard lags in GX 339-4: constraints on reflection models
Joint spectrophotometric catalogue of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute and Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute - The analysis of common stars
Joint Time--Frequency Analysis: a tool for exploratory analysis and filtering of non-stationary time series
Joint ULYSSES and WIND observations of a particle event in April 1995.
Joint VLBA/VLTI Observations of the Mira Variable S Orionis
Joint VLTI/VLBA observations of Mira stars
Joint X-Ray and Optical Measurements of the Mass Distribution of the Distant Galaxy Cluster CLJ 0152.7-1357
Joint X-ray/Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Analysis of the Intra-Cluster Medium
Jordan-Brans-Dicke Quantum Wormholes and Coleman's Mechanism
Jordan-Brans-Dicke Stochastic Inflation
Joseph A. Burton Forum Award: How to have fun, defend science, and keep up your research
Josephson junctions and dark energy
Josephson pulsars
Joule Heating and Anomalous Resistivity in the Solar Corona
Joule heating and the thermal evolution of old neutron stars
Joule heating as an explanation for the differential emission measure structure and systematic redshifts in the sun's lower transition region
Joule Heating in Neutron Stars under Strong Gravitation
Joule heating in the cooling of magnetized neutron stars