Cygnus X-1: A Spinning Black Hole?
Cygnus X-1: X-ray Emission Mechanism and Geometry
Cygnus X-2 - A low-mass binary
Cygnus X-2, super-Eddington mass transfer, and pulsar binaries
Cygnus X-2: the Descendant of an Intermediate-Mass X-Ray Binary
Cygnus X-3 and the problem of the missing Wolf-Rayet X-ray binaries
Cygnus X-3 as a benchmark for fundamental properties of Wolf-Rayet stars
Cygnus X-3 in outburst : quenched radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity
Cygnus X-3 in the integral era
Cygnus X-3 IR spectra (Fender+, 1999)
Cygnus X-3 transition from the ultrasoft to the hard state
Cygnus X-3 with ISO: investigating the wind
Cygnus X-3: A source of highly symmetric quark bound states\?
CYK Tensors, Maxwell Field and Conserved Quantities for Spin-2 Field
Cylindrical analogue of NUT space: spacetime of a line gravomagnetic monopole
Cylindrical and spherical dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma with superthermal ions and electrons
Cylindrical and spherical electron acoustic solitary waves in the presence of superthermal hot electrons
Cylindrical astrophysical maser models - Polarization due to magnetic fields
Cylindrical Black Hole in General Relativity
Cylindrical Blast Wave from Wire Explosion