Cycle 19 facula dynamics. II. Meridional circulation, RMS velocity, and Reynolds stresses.
Cycle 20 solar wind modulation of galactic cosmic rays: Understanding the challenge
Cycle times and magnetic amplitudes in nonlinear 1D α^2OMEGA-dynamos.
Cycles and cycle modulations
Cycles in the cataclysmic variable V795 Herculis
Cycles of the magnetic activity of the Sun and solar-type stars and simulation of their fluxes
Cyclic behavior at quasi-parallel collisionless shocks
Cyclic behavior of solar full-disk activity
Cyclic behaviour of sunspot activity during the Maunder minimum
Cyclic brightening in the short-period WZ Sge-type cataclysmic variable SDSS J080434.20+510349.2
Cyclic Changes of Dust-to-Gas Ratio
Cyclic cosmology from Lagrange-multiplier modified gravity
Cyclic evolution and reversal of the solar magnetic field. I. The large-scale magnetic fields
Cyclic evolution of radio pulsars on the time scale of hundreds of years
Cyclic Evolution of Sunspots: Gleaning New Results from Old Data
Cyclic flaring activity of flare stars
Cyclic loss of open solar flux since 1868: The link to heliospheric current sheet tilt and implications for the Maunder Minimum
Cyclic Magnetic Universe
Cyclic Period Changes in Close Binaries: A Light Travel Time Effect or a Symptom of Magnetic Activity?
Cyclic phenomena in the circumstellar gaseous envelope of the candidate Herbig A0e star HD163296