Curvature and Cosmic Repulsion
Curvature and Flatness in a Brans-Dicke Universe
Curvature and isocurvature perturbations from two-field inflation in a slow-roll expansion
Curvature and isocurvature perturbations in a three-fluid model of curvaton decay
Curvature and torsion of implicit hypersurfaces and the origin of charge
Curvature and Torsion Quintessence
Curvature and Weyl collineations of spacetimes
Curvature as a Measure of the Thermodynamic Interaction
Curvature blow up in Bianchi VIII and IX vacuum spacetimes
Curvature conditions for the occurrence of a class of spacetime singularities
Curvature Constraints from the Causal Entropic Principle
Curvature corrections and topology change transition in brane-black hole systems: A perturbative approach
Curvature Coupling and Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
Curvature coupling in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and non-minimal self-duality
Curvature Dependence of Peaks in the Cosmic Microwave Background Distribution
Curvature driven acceleration : a utopia or a reality ?
Curvature Effect and the Spectral Softening Phenomenon Detected in GRB Afterglows
Curvature effect in structured GRB jets
Curvature Effect of a Non-Power-Law Spectrum and Spectral Evolution of GRB X-Ray Tails
Curvature Effects in Extended Stellar Atmospheres - Absorption and Scattering