Currents and Superpotentials in classical gauge theories: II. Global aspects and the example of Affine gravity
Currents in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Currents in the ideal frozen-in plasma moving with the velocity being arbitrary on the direction across the magnetic field
Currents of non-uniformities in solar atmosphere
Curtis Schmidt-thin prism survey for extragalactic emission-line objects - University of Michigan List I
Curtis Schmidt-thin prism survey for extragalactic emission-line objects - University of Michigan List III
Curtis Schmidt-thin prism survey for extragalactic emission-line objects University of Michigan List II
Curvaton Decay into Baryons, anti-Baryons and Radiation
Curvaton decay into relativistic matter
Curvaton Dynamics in Brane-worlds
Curvaton field and intermediate inflationary universe model
Curvaton model completed
Curvaton preheating revisited
Curvaton reheating in logamediate inflationary model
Curvaton reheating in tachyonic inflationary models
Curvaton reheating mechanism in inflation on warped Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati brane
Curvaton reheating: an application to braneworld inflation
Curvaton scenario with low scale inflation revisited
Curvature and Acoustic Instabilities in Rotating Fluid Disks
Curvature and Chaos in General Relativity