Current sheet formation and dissipation in general X-point topologies
Current sheet formation and non-ideal behaviour at three-dimensional magnetic null points
Current sheet formation and rapid reconnection in the solar corona
Current sheet formation in quasi-separatrix layers and hyperbolic flux tubes
Current sheet models for solar prominences. II - Energetics and condensation process
Current sheet structure at different stages of magnetic reconnection.
Current Sheets in Coronal Streamers
Current sheets in the solar corona
Current sheets in the solar minimum corona
Current Sheets in Two-Dimensional Potential Magnetic Fields - Part Two - Asymptotic Limits of Indefinitely Sheared Force-Free Fields
Current sheets in two-dimensional potential magnetic fields. I - General properties
Current sheets in two-dimensional potential magnetic fields. III. Formation in complex topology configurations and application to coronal heating.
Current star formation in early-type galaxies and the K+A phenomenon
Current Star Formation in Post-Starburst Galaxies?
Current Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds: Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys. II
Current Star Formation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud: Constraints from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys
Current state of the modelling of photospheric activity
Current status and future prospects for laboratory study of angular momentum transport relevant to astrophysical disks
Current Status and Perspectives of Cosmic Microwave Background Observations
Current status of Asteroseismology