Current Observational Constraints on Cosmic Doomsday
Current Observational Constraints to Holographic Dark Energy Model with New Infrared cut-off via Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope
Current perspectives in high energy astropyhsics
Current Problems for X-ray Emission from Radio Jets
Current problems in Stellar Pulsation Instabilities
Current Problems in the Extragalactic Distance Scale.
Current Problems on Asymptotic Branch Stars
Current problems on horizontal branch stars
Current Problems on Horizontal Branch Stars. Iii: an Analysis of the Evolutionary Status of the RR Lyrae Stars in the Globular Cluster ω CEN
Current Problems on Horizontal Branch Stars: I. H. B. -Topology
Current Problems on Horizontal Branch Stars:II. H. B. -Population
Current problems on horizontal-branch /HB/ stars. IV - The influence of rotation on the expected properties of RR Lyrae pulsators
Current progress of nuclear astrophysics experiments at CIAE
Current prospects for ASTROD Inertial Sensor
Current QSO statistics - Implications for the intergalactic medium
Current rate of nucleosynthesis and its implications
Current Results and Future Prospects for a Neutron Lifetime Determination Using Trapped Protons
Current results of the PERSEE testbench: the cophasing control and the polychromatic null rate
Current sheet configurations in potential and force-free fields.