Cumulative analysis of the association between the gravitational wave detectors NAUTILUS and EXPLORER and the gamma-ray bursts detected by BATSE and BeppoSAX
Cumulative damage in strength-dominated collisions of rocky asteroids: Rubble piles and brick piles
Cumulative Dragging - An Intrinsic Characteristic of Stationary Axisymmetric Spacetime
Cumulative gravitational lensing in Newtonian perturbations of Friedman-Robertson-Walker cosmologies
Cumulative hard X-ray spectrum of local AGN: a link to the cosmic X-ray background
Cumulative light curves of gamma-ray bursts and relaxation systems
Cumulative location index to vols. 1-6 (1977-82)
Cumulative luminosity functions of the X-ray point source population in M31
Cumulative Oxygen Abundances of Spiral Galaxies
Cumulative Parity Violation in Supernovae
Cuore and Cuoricino
CUPS Astrophysics Simulations will fit well in upper-level courses.
Curation and Preliminary Characterization of Stardust Samples
Curing singularities in cosmological evolution of F(R) gravity
Curing singularities: From the big bang to black holes
Curious interior solutions of general relativity
Curious properties of the recycled pulsars and the potential of high precision timing
CURious Variables Experiment (CURVE). CCD Photometry and Variable Stars in the field of open cluster NGC 637
Curious Variables Experiment (CURVE). CCD photometry of active dwarf nova DI UMa
Curious Variables Experiment (CURVE). CCD Photometry of Dwarf Nova V660 Herculis