CS observations of selected star-forming regions
CS observations of the hotspot at the S 155/Cepheus B interface
CS Studies of Dense Cores in Regions of High Mass Star Formation: A Survey of Southern Molecular Masers
CS, C(3)S(4), and CH3OH observations of the molecular cloud associated with NGC 7538
CS, HC3N and CH3CCH multi-line analyses towards starburst galaxies. The evolution of cloud structures in the central regions of galaxies
CS22964-161: A Double-Lined Carbon- and s-Process-Enhanced Metal-Poor Binary Star
CSIP - a Novel Photon-Counting Detector Applicable for the SPICA Far-Infrared Instrument
CSL-1: a chance projection effect or serendipitous discovery of a gravitational lens induced by a cosmic string?
CSL-1: Lensing by a Cosmic String or a Dark Matter Filament?
CSPOB-Continuous Spectrophotometry of Black Holes
CSS090530:144011+494734: a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova in Bootes
CSS091215:060708-060335 : An Optically Emergent Eruptive Near the Head of Herbig Haro 866 West
CSSs in a sample of B2 radio sources of intermediate strength
CSTAR star catalogue development
CTA - A Project for a New Generation of Cherenkov Telescopes
CTA simulations with CORSIKA/sim_telarray
CTI history of the EPIC pn camera
CTIOPI: Fingerprinting Nearby Star Suspects
CTK - A new CCD Camera at the University Observatory Jena
CTQ 414: A New Gravitational Lens