Cryogenic techniques for large superconducting magnets in space
Cryogenic Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law
Cryogenic Tests of Volume-Phase Holographic Gratings: I. Results at 200 K
Cryogenic tests of volume-phase holographic gratings: results at 100 K
Cryogenic Volume-Phase Holograpic Grisms for MOIRCS
Cryogenics - Its influence on the selection of the ASTROMAG superconducting magnet coils
Cryogenics program overview
Cryptic photosynthesis, Extrasolar planetary oxygen without a surface biological signature
Crypto-baryonic Dark Matter
Cryptoplanet update
Crystal clouds in the Martian atmosphere
Crystal diffraction lenses for imaging gamma-ray telescope
Crystalline comet dust: Laboratory experiments on a simple silicate system
Crystalline Mg2SiO4 and amorphous Mg-bearing silicate grain formation by coalescence and growth
Crystalline nuclei and the Pomeranchuk effect in neutron stars
Crystalline silicate dust around evolved stars I. The sample stars
Crystalline silicate dust around evolved stars II. The crystalline silicate complexes
Crystalline silicate dust around evolved stars III. A correlations study of crystalline silicate features
Crystalline Silicate Emission in the Protostellar Binary Serpens--SVS20
Crystalline Silicate Feature of the Vega-like star HD145263