Crust-core coupling in rotating neutron stars
Crust-core interactions and the magnetic dipole orientation in neutron stars
Crustal Deformation of the Alban Hills Volcanic Complex (Central Italy) by Permanent Scatterers Analysis
Crustal Emission and the Quiescent Spectrum of the Neutron Star in KS 1731-260
Crustal failure during binary inspiral
Crustal Heating and Quiescent Emission from Transiently Accreting Neutron Stars
Crustal Magnetic Field Decay and the Formation of Submillisecond Neutron Stars
Crustal Oscillations of Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars
Crustal shear oscillations, magnetar spindown, and the 1998 August 27 flare
Cryogenic Advanced Gravitational Wave Detector (lcgt)
Cryogenic Capacitive Transimpedance Amplifier for Astronomical Infrared Detectors
Cryogenic characterization of the Planck sorption cooler system flight model
Cryogenic Composite Detectors for the Dark Matter Experiments CRESST and EURECA
Cryogenic Delay Line for Far-IR Interferometry in Space
Cryogenic environment and performance for testing the Planck radiometers
Cryogenic Filters for RFI Mitigation in Radioastronomy
Cryogenic performance of a high precision photogrammetry system for verification of the James Webb Space Telescope Integrated Science Instrument Module and associated ground support equipment structural alignment requirements
Cryogenic Reflectance Spectroscopy in Support of Planetary Missions
Cryogenic techniques for large superconducting magnets in space