1RXSJ062518.2+733433: A bright, soft intermediate polar
1RXSJ062518.2+733433: A new intermediate polar
1RXSJ173021.5-055933: a cataclysmic variable with a fast-spinning magnetic white dwarf
1st Guillermo Haro Conference on Astrophysics: Starburst Activity in Galaxies
1st Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics and 7th Mexican School of Particles and Fields. Proceedings. Merida (Mexico), 30 Oct - 6 Nov 1996.
1st Workshop of Astronomy and Astrophysics for Students
1WGA J2223.7-0206: a Narrow-Line Quasi-Stellar Object in the XMM-Newton field of view of 3C445
1WGAJ1216.9+3743: Chandra Finds an Extremely Steep Ultraluminous X-ray Source
1WGAJ1226.9+3332: a high redshift cluster discovered by Chandra