`c' is the speed of light, isn't it?
`Comparing the Predicted Abell/ACO Cluster & the MarkIII Galaxy Density and Velocity Fields', Contribution to the Wide Field Spectroscopy Meeting held in Athens, 20-24 May 1996
`Earth system' analysis and the second Copernican revolution
`Eppur Si Muove': On The Motion of the Acoustic Peak in the Correlation Function
`Faster than light' photons and rotating black holes
`Fine Structure' in the energy spectrum, and changes in the mass composition, of cosmic rays in the energy range 0.3-10 PeV
`First Light' in the Universe; What Ended the "Dark Age"?
`Hidden' Symmetries of Higher Dimensional Rotating Black Holes
`Hyper Parameters' Approach to Joint Estimation: Applications to Cepheid-Calibrated Distances and X-Ray Clusters
`Iconoclastic', Categorical Quantum Gravity
`Island Surfing' Mechanism of Electron Acceleration During Magnetic Reconnection
`Isotopically strange xenon' in meteoritic nanodiamonds: implantation by stellar winds?
`Mass without mass' from thin shells in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
`Operational' Energy Conditions
`Pure' Supernovae and Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
`Similar' coordinate systems and the Roche geometry. Application
`Standard' Cosmological model & beyond with CMB
`Strange Stars' - have they been discovered ?
`Superresonance' from a rotating acoustic black hole
`Tail-end' Bondi-Hoyle accretion in young star clusters: Implications for disks, planets, and stars