[O I] sub-arcsecond study of a microjet from an intermediate mass young star: RY Tauri
[O/Fe] Estimates for Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars from Near-IR Spectroscopy
[OIII] 5007 Emission from the Black-Hole X-ray Binary in a NGC 4472 Globular Cluster
[OIII] profile substructure in radio-quiet quasars
[OIII]λ5007 wing variations and changes of FeII optical multiplets in NGC 5548.
[OII] as a Star Formation Rate Indicator
[OII] Emission, Eigenvector 1 and Orientation in Radio-quiet Quasars
[OII]3727 Emission from the Companion to the Quasar BR 1202-0725 at z=4.7
[On the jet contribution to the AGN cosmic energy budget
[Petrological Analysis of Astrophysical Dust Analog Evolution]
[SiPAH]+ pi-Complexes in the Interstellar Medium
[The Impact of Nuclear Star Formation on Gas Inflow to AGN
[TiII] and [NiII] emission from the strontium filament of eta Carinae
[Time Dependent Radiative Transfer Calculations for Supernovae
[WC] and PG1159 Central Stars of Planetary Nebula: the Need for an Alternative to the Born-Again Scenario
[WC] stars in planetary nebulae: a summary
[WR] nuclei of planetary nebulae: Inferences from statistical studies of the nebulae
[\ion(C)(ii)] 158 and [\ion(O)(i)] 63 MU M ISO-Observations of L1457
[Α/Fe] Patterns Of Stars In The Halo Of The Galaxy