Analytical approximations of K-corrections in optical and near-infrared bands
Analytical computation of the off-axis Effective Area of grazing incidence X-ray mirrors
Analytical solution for light propagation in Schwarzschild field having an accuracy of 1 micro-arcsecond
Analyzing spatial coherence using a single mobile field sensor
Analyzing the designs of planet finding missions
Angular diameter estimation of interferometric calibrators - Example of lambda Gruis, calibrator for VLTI-AMBER
Angular momentum changing transitions in proton-Rydberg atom collisions
Angular Resolution of a Photoelectric Polarimeter in the Focus of an Optical System
Anisotropic diffusion of electrons in liquid xenon with application to improving the sensitivity of direct dark matter searches
Anisotropy studies with multiscale autocorrelation function
ANN-based energy reconstruction procedure for TACTIC gamma-ray telescope and its comparison with other conventional methods
ANTARES neutrino telescope: status, first results and sensitivity for the diffuse neutrino flux
ANTARES: the first undersea neutrino telescope
Antenna Performance Analysis for Decameter Solar Radio Observations
Antenna-coupled TES Bolometer Arrays for BICEP2/Keck and SPIDER
Antenna-coupled TES bolometer arrays for CMB polarimetry
Aperture Masking Interferometry for Subaru
Apodized Lyot Coronagraph for VLT-SPHERE: Laboratory tests and performances of a first prototype in the visible
Apodized-pupil Lyot coronagraphs: multistage designs for extremely large telescopes
Apparent Places with an Ellipsoidal Geometry of Refraction in the Earth's Atmosphere