S-DIMM+ height characterization of day-time seeing using solar granulation
Safeguarding Old and New Journal Tables for the VO: Status for Extragalactic and Radio Data
SAGE-Spectroscopy: The life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Data delivery document v3.0
SAOLIM, a prototype of a low cost System for Adaptive Optics with Lucky Imaging
SAPPORO: A way to turn your graphics cards into a GRAPE-6
Satellite-Mounted Light Sources as Photometric Calibration Standards
Satellite-Mounted Light Sources as Photometric Calibration Standards for Ground-Based Telescopes
SaVi: satellite constellation visualization
Scaling relations between numerical simulations and physical systems they represent
Scheduling in Targeted Transient Surveys and a New Telescope for CHASE
Science and Adaptive Optics Requirements of MICADO, the E-ELT adaptive optics imaging camera
Science and Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Science drivers and requirements for an Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST): Implications for technology development and synergies with other future facilities
Science from the Moon: The NASA/NLSI Lunar University Network for Astrophysics Research (LUNAR)
Science performance of Gaia, ESA's space-astrometry mission
Science Requirements and Performances for EAGLE for the E-ELT
Science with the Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid VO Desktop
Science Yield of an Improved Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST)
Scientific collaborations in astronomy between amateurs and professionals
Scientific Data Mining in Astronomy