E-accessible Astronomy Resources
EAGLE ISS - A modular twin-channel integral-field near-IR spectrograph
EAGLE multi-object AO concept study for the E-ELT
EAGLE Spectroscopy of Resolved Stellar Populations Beyond the Local Group
EAGLE Spectroscopy of Resolved Stellar Populations Beyond the Local Group
Early Australian Optical and Radio Observations of Centaurus A
Early Pioneers of Telescopic Astronomy in India: G.V.Juggarow and His Observatory
Early Pulsar Observations with LOFAR
Early star catalogues of the southern sky: De Houtman, Kepler (Second and Third Classes), and Halley
Earth magnetic field effects on the cosmic electron flux as background for Cherenkov Telescopes at low energies
Educating the Next Generation of Leading Scientists: Turning Ideas into Action
Effective coherence length estimation of optical wavefronts
Effects of high-energy ionizing particles on the Si:As mid-infrared detector array on board the AKARI satellite
Effects of the Number of Active Receiver Channels on the Sensitivity of a Reflector Antenna System with a Multi-Beam Wideband Phased Array Feed
Efficiency of a wide-area survey in achieving short- and long-term warning for small impactors
Efficient Parallelization for AMR MHD Multiphysics Calculations; Implementation in AstroBEAR
Efficient use of simultaneous multi-band observations for variable star analysis
Electrode level Monte Carlo model of radiation damage effects on astronomical CCDs
Electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave transient signal candidates
Electron and Gamma Background in CRESST Detectors