A tilted interference filter in a converging beam
A Topological Trigger System for Imaging Atmospheric-Cherenkov Telescopes
A turn-key Concept for active cancellation of Global Positioning System L3 Signal
A Two-Colour CCD Survey of the North Celestial Cap: I. The Method
A versatile integral in physics and astronomy
A Vigorous Explorer Program
A VO-driven Astronomical Data Grid in China
A way to deal with the fringe-like pattern in VIMOS-IFU data
A Well-Posed Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Test and Comparison
A wide field X-ray telescope for astronomical survey purposes: from theory to practice
A Wideband, Four-Element, All-Digital Beamforming System for Dense Aperture Arrays in Radio Astronomy
AAO Observer - August 2011 Edition
AAO Observer - February 2011 Edition
AAO Observer Number 121 (February 2012)
Absolute Flux Calibration of the IRAC Instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope using Hubble Space Telescope Flux Standards
Absolute polarization angle calibration using polarized diffuse Galactic emission observed by BICEP
Absolute radiometric calibration of the EUNIS-06 170-205 A channel and calibration update for CDS/NIS
Accelerating Dust Temperature Calculations with Graphics Processing Units
Accelerating incoherent dedispersion
Accelerating Radio Astronomy Cross-Correlation with Graphics Processing Units