Search for transient neutrino sources with IceCube
Search for Unknown Dark Matter Satellites of the Milky Way
Search for VHE $γ$-ray emission from the globular cluster M13 with the MAGIC telescope
Search for VHE signals from microquarsars with MAGIC
Search Sources of Cosmic Rays Ultrahigh Energy
Searches for Cosmic-Ray Electron Anisotropies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Searches for Dark Matter annihilation signatures in the Segue 1 satellite galaxy with the MAGIC-I telescope
Searches for Dark Matter signatures in the Segue 1 dwarf spheroidal galaxy with the MAGIC-I telescope
Searches for dark matter subhaloes with wide-field Cherenkov telescope surveys
Searches for DM signals from the Galactic Centre region with H.E.S.S
Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with S5 LIGO data
Searches for periodic neutrino emission from binary systems with 22 and 40 strings of IceCube
Searches for Point Sources of High Energy Cosmic Neutrino with the ANTARES Telescope
Searches for very high energy gamma rays from blazars with CANGAROO-III telescope in 2005-2009
Searches for WIMP Dark Matter from the Sun with AMANDA
Searching for 511 keV annihilation line emission from galactic compact objects with IBIS
Searching for compact objects in SNRs G27.8+0.6 and G28.8+1.5
Searching for curvature pion radiation from protons in strongly magnetized pulsars
Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation in M87
Searching for Dark Matter in Messier 33