Global modeling of radiatively driven accretion of metals from compact debris disks onto the white dwarfs
Global models of planetary system formation in radiatively-inefficient protoplanetary discs
Global Models of Runaway Accretion in White Dwarf Debris Disks
Global variation of the dust-to-gas ratio in evolving protoplanetary discs
GMRT radio observations of the transiting extrasolar planet HD189733b at 244 and 614 MHz
GMRT search for 150 MHz radio emission from the transiting extrasolar planets HD189733b and HD209458b
Grain charging in protoplanetary discs
Grain sedimentation inside giant planet embryos
Gran Telescopio Canarias OSIRIS Transiting Exoplanet Atmospheric Survey: Detection of potassium in XO-2b from narrowband spectrophotometry
Granular physics in low-gravity environments using DEM
Gravitational instability of solids assisted by gas drag: slowing by turbulent mass diffusivity
Gravitationally Induced Density Wake of a Circularly Orbiting Object As an Interpretative Framework of Ubiquitous Spirals and Arcs
Gravity Waves on Hot Extrasolar Planets: I. Propagation and Interaction with the Background
Ground-based detection of thermal emission from the exoplanet WASP-19b
Ground-based detections of thermal emission from CoRoT-1b and WASP-12b
Ground-based K-band detection of thermal emission from the exoplanet TrES-3b
Ground-based multisite observations of two transits of HD 80606b
Ground-based near-IR observations of the secondary eclipse of CoRoT-2b
Ground-based NIR emission spectroscopy of HD189733b
Ground-Based Photometric Searches for Transiting Planets